Sixty day fully-functional ERGO Demonstration Program. Complete Windows Installer for all versions since XP.
Please run Program Update after you install to get the latest files. (ZIP file updated July 12, 2022.)
If you installed Ergo before July 22, 2022 you need to download a new ergo4update file and replace your old version in Program Files.
For first time users. ERGO also contains a Quick Start Wizard that runs upon first time use. This Wizard guides you through setting up a first receiver, entering your location and other information.
A collection of ERGO Frequently Asked Questions and Answers. Includes information on installing databases, as well as running ERGO on Linux or Mac OS.
This Application Note explains how you can easily import ILGRadio Data into an ERGO database.
Information about how to create customized databases for use with ERGO. This document also explains how the ERGO data format works.
Occasionally, some users have requested a printed manual. Here is a PDF file which contains the ERGO Help File (as of 2004). It is pretty thorough on the program description and “How to” sections, but does not contain information about radio drivers added since that time. This should only be used in conjunction with the FAQ and Data Manual.