Today is World Amateur Radio Day. Not a big deal, but you should do something to celebrate.
Ham radio pioneers met in Paris on April 18, 1925 and formed the International Amateur Radio Union. We had discovered how useful shortwave could be for long distance communications just a few years earlier. We went on to allocate and preserve ham radio’s shortwave bands two years later.
IRU continues to represent ham radio interests to international regulatory authorities to this day. We are proud of Calgary ham Tim Ellam, VE6SH who continues to serve as IRU President.
So, what can you do to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. Well, obviously, you can get on the air. Any mode, any band. Check out activities being promoted by Radio Amateurs of Canada. Normally, I would suggest that you invite someone over to your shack and let them make some contacts. But not this year!
Given poor HF propagation these days, you might find that it’s a good time to demonstrate digital modes to you friends. For example, if you do some FT8 contains, there is lots hear on the radio, see on the screen and explain.
Keep in mind, though, that you will need some creativity to stay within physical distancing rules. Maybe try doing a video conference to demonstrate your ham station. Might help a few folks pass the time.
World Amateur Radio Day – Promotion Ideas during COVID-19
So, obviously, many things you would like to do to promote and demonstrate your hobby just cannot be done this year. But here’s something you can do.
If you have a blog or a social media page, post an article about ham radio (like this one!) Tell your friends and relatives something interesting about the hobby. You know that there are hundreds of facets to amateur radio, including satellites, digital and all the links to electronics and making things.
You might even do a bit of research and then send a message pointing to interesting, relevant radio or electronics web content After all, what else are you doing these days?